Thursday, 25 November 2010

Research: Deconstruction Magazine1

For another part of my research task I looked at two music magazines and the deconstructed them, to give me ideas for making my music magazine.

The first magazine that I chose to deconstruct was Q magazine. Q is a very popular music magazine in Britain, the magazines title 'Q,' is in a very bold red this makes the letter/title stand out. The title is covered slightly by one of the ‘Take That’ band members, who are the main feature in this issue of Q. This could mean that the magazine is well enough known so the name does not have to be displayed in whole, for people to recognise the magazine. Or that the magazine designers displays them in front of the title as they are the major selling point for this issue. The band who feature on the front ‘Take That’ are displayed in a mid long shot, with them all dog piling on each other, this may have the effect on the audience that they think that the interview will be fun and relaxed.  The band members all have a happy expression on their face, this may also make the audience think the interview will be fun and relaxed. Most of the band members are looking straight ahead this will connect the band members will the reader and as they have happy expressions on their face the readers will not feel any threat from the band. The band is all dressed in black leather, the colour of their clothes contrast with the white back ground and the red and gold writing.  The words 'Take That' are in a big font so the writing will really stand out attracting the reader’s attention. This also implies that ‘Take That’ are the main band in this issue.  The magazine also has a gold circle with ‘Q AWARDS 2010’. This is telling the reader what the else they can expect in this issue of the magazine. On the left hand side of the cover ‘A YEAR INSIDE GREEN DAY’. This sub title is all in capitals, this grabs the reader’s attention and the title is in different sizes and colours of font. This further grabs the reader’s attention. The ‘GREEN DAY’ part of the title is in gold, this implies that they are important as gold is thought to be an important gold as it is the colour of money and wealth. At the bottom of the cover, there is information of live concerts from the bands/artist of ‘Arcade Fire/ Eminem & Jay-Z / Linkin Park/ Beach Huse and more’ These are artists and band from many different genres of music, this means that the magazine provides for a wide range of music genres, this is will mean that the magazine will attract a wide range and will attract a bigger audience. Also the list of names and the ‘more’ shows that the magazine has a lot to offer.

Then I deconstructed the contents page of Q magazine. The red banner across the top with the word contents are the same colours that were used on the front cover. The colour scheme helps to link the magazine together as a whole. The red also attracts the attention of the reader. The word ‘Contents’ is also in black so it stands out from the red box. In the top left hand the ‘Q’ is in white font the same as on the front cover giving the magazine some consistency. The main picture on the page is of Take That this is the same image as before yet the image has been taken from the side not straight on as the front cover image has been. Also the image is now in black and white and has no colour in it. This is so that the image stands out from the colour surrounding the image on the page.  Along the left hand side of the contents page is a ‘Q award’ this gives the reader an idea about what the magazine is going to be about. Below the image of the award is a banner with all of the features and their page number, this is on the left of the picture so that the picture is the focus of attention when the reader looks at the page. To make the banner of writing on the left look less detailed and more interesting there is a red line under each sub title. The line is red so the colour scheme of the magazine is continued though out the page and to draw the reader’s attention to the list. The line also breaks the list up to make it easy and clear for the reader to read.
The contents page of Q magazine is a double spread; the second page has a red banner across the top just like the first contents page and front cover. This gives the effect that the magazine flows as a whole and is consistent the whole way through. Like on the contents page the red banner has a title in it, ‘Issue 293’.  This is in white colour so that it stands out from the red banner and it also contrasts with the black from the contents page. On the second contents page there are various images from the magazine with the number of page that the image is associated with. This is to make the contents page interesting with picture and the reader will be able to flick right to the page with an image they want to see in close up. The other way in which the magazine displays what is on offer in this issue of the magazine is to list the pages and a little bit of information down the right hand page of the second page, just like on the left hand page on the first page. The red is used in the same way to underline important information, break up the pages and to draw attention from the reader. In the top right hand corner of the page there is a photo of the front cover for this issue of Q magazine. This is so the reader can see what has been advertised on the front then the reader can maybe look for it in the contents. The way in which the contents pages have been laid out it really good as everything is really clear and easy to see and read.

I also had to deconstruct a double page spread, as part of my brief is that I have to create a double page spread for my music magazine. This page also has the red and white ‘Q’ sign. Like the front cover and contents page , this helps to link the whole magazine together as all of the pages have some  aspects that are the same.  In the same box as the Q is ‘New to’ which suggests that the band on the page are new and up and coming. Also because it says ‘to Q’ it implies that the information is exclusive to Q and other magazines do not have this information. Underneath this they have ‘Introducing the month’s hottest talent…’ this will also imply that they are a new and upcoming band. The image really stands out because of all of the bright colours in the image; this will attract more readers to the page. The shot is a medium shot of ‘JENNY AND JONNY’ they are looking straight forward as though they are looking at the reader, they both have serious expressions on their faces this could imply that they want people to take them seriously as a musical act. The eye contact could also make the reader feel like they are connecting with ‘Jenny and Jonny’.  All the writing is at the side not covering the people in the picture, this  could be because they are new and not well known so they need to be clearly seen so people can recognise the. In the image they have ordered the same meal this could imply that they are the same type of person meaning that the band have really good chemistry. They are also at the level and both in the middle of the image, meaning that they are both as important to the band as each other (no lead singer).

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