Monday, 29 November 2010

Planning: Name and Title colour

From the information that my research gave I have decided that my music magazine will be a magazine with many genres of music in, like the Q magazine that I deconstructed. As I think if I have many genres in the magazine then the magazine will then appeal to more people.
The name of my magazine needs to be relatively short name. This is so the name will be easy to remember. The name will also be in bold and bright font across the front cover. This will help to make the name stand out on the cover. The name of my magazine will be cover a little bit as this is a norm for magazine front covers. The title of the magazine is very important as it along with the rest of the front cover attracts the reader to the magazine. The title of the magazine is the first thing to set the theme for the magazine. The first thing that I did in my planning stage was to start thinking of possible names of my magazine.

XYZ- This name is short. This name could have the connotations such as that these letters are at the end of the alphabet meaning the end is better or that good things come to those who wait. So this is signifying that the magazine my be really good and interesting. The letters I think are quite catchy and may draw the reader in. I think this could be a good suggestion as it is basic and catchy just like the magazine called Q.

The Beat-This is a little bit longer that the first option is. The beat could have the connotations that the magazine has something to do with music because of the connection of music and beat. I think that this name is very memorable and catches the reader's attention. The Beat sounds quite calm and not too busy this could connote that this magazine is easy to reader and not too confusing.

Bish Bosh- This title I think is the most unique and most memorable. This title is a lot longer that the other possible titles yet I think that it will attract people and they will remember this title. Bish Bosh could connate that the magazine could be quite aggressive. As Bish Bosh could connote to sound like a punch in a fight.  It may also connate that the title is what someone may say after finishing work. So the magazine would connate that it would be a magazine you read in your break and relax while reading it.

Back to basic – This name could mean that the magazine is all the need to know information with none of the unwanted information in the magazine and that the reader will get the most out of the magazine.  This title could connate that the magazine is easy to reader and that the magazine is not too complicated to read or understand.
I then finally made a decision that I would chose that I wanted to use The Beat as my magazine name. I think that this name is good as it gives the reader a idea about what the magazine. The title is also different and will attract people to read the magazine and the name is different and has many connotations like the magazine name is The Beat and the The suggests that only the important information is in the magazine.

I then finally made a decision that I would chose that I wanted to use The Beat as my magazine name. I think that this name is good as it gives the reader a idea about what the magazine. The title is also different and will attract people to read the magazine and the name is different and has many connotations like the magazine name is The Beat and the The suggests that only the important information is in the magazine. All of the magazines that I have deconstructed the name of the magazine was in bold font with the colour of the title fitting in with the colour scheme of the magazine.  

The first possible font of the title is this one. I think that this font works well as the magzines target audience will be teenagers and I think that they will like this font as it is different and quite interesting to look at. I think that this title font will give the magzine a relaxed feel to the magzine. Althought the title does not have all capital in the title like the magazines that I deconstructed. Yet I think that not having the title all in capitals gives a more realxed feel to the magazine.
This is a second possible idea for the font of my title. The letters in this title are all in capitals as this will attract the attention of the reader and the capitals also add a sense of egression and my target audience may like this in a magazine name. I could use the black outer outline to make the letters stand out. This effect will attract attention from the reader to the magazine.
This is my third and final idea for a title of my magazines font. The letters in the title are all in different capitals or not capitals; this may attract more attention because the title is unique and different. It also gives the feeling that the magazine is relaxed and easy going. The letters are written on bits of paper this gives the effect that the magazine is mysterious and the information in magazine will be different every week.

Then I decided on the font that I wanted to use. I am going to use the first font option. I think that it is really good as the font will suit the target audience of the magazine.  The font is also different and interesting. 

After this I decided to look at the colour scheme of a magazine. I think that the colour scheme is one of the most important features of the magazine and that it is one of the main aspects that makes the reader pick up the magazine and want to read it. All of the magazines that I deconstructed had about 3 main colours in there colour scheme. I really think that having a colour scheme of about 3 colours is good as it links the whole magazine together. The other magazine that I looked at had random colours though out the whole magazine, I think that this worked well as you get something different every single page. This is why am going to have 3 main colours in my colour scheme, so that the magazine links together and flows as a whole.

The first thing that I did to help me chose my colour scheme was to create my title with different colours, to help me see what colours worked well and what possible colours I could use in my colour scheme.

The first colour that i tried was red. Like the Q sign I think that the red works really well as the red is very bright and stands out. This would be useful as this will help for the potential audience to notice the magazine and maybe buy it. The music magazines that I want to make will have around 2 or 3 colours on the front cover, this is why I have chosen red as the first possible choice of title colour. I have also chosen to use red as i think that this colour works well with many other colours.

My second potential colour for the title of my magazine will be blue. I like the blue as it is different the blue i think will contrast well with other colours that I will use on my front cover of my magazine. I want the title to stand out as it will be the first thing that the audience see when they see that magazine.

The last possible title colours is this multicoloured title, I like this option because it is totally different to the other titles that have seen. I think that the use of different colours on this title will make the front cover of the magazine stand out. Although I said that I wanted to use about 2-3 colours on my front cover i think that this title colour would be useful as it is so different from other magazines and therefore will attract more people.
I have decided that I am going to use my first choice of colour for my title. I have decided this because I think that the colour red works well with the title and the other possible colours that I am going to have on my title.

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