Friday, 17 December 2010

Research and Planning: Organisation of actor, locations, costume and the props

For this task I had to organise alot of things before my photo shoot so that I had everything that I wanted to use available to me when I wanted it.

The first thing that I had to organise was my actor. In my photo shoot I wanted to have a young female artist, this is why I used Lily. When I asked Lily she said she would love to but she works on Mondays, tuesdays and wednesdays so when I were to start planning my photo shoot I would need to plan it on a thurday, friday, saturday or a sunday.

The second thing that I had to organise before I started my photo shoot was the location of my photo shoot. For this I wanted to have a plain background so it would be easier for my to edit out when it came to editing the photos. With this in mind I planned to have the photo shoot at my grans house. This is becasue she has a large plain white wall in her house. So when I start to plan when we are going to shoot the photos I will need to check that it is okay with my gran that we can use the white wall and that we will not be in the way or get interupted.

The next thing that I had to organise was the costume that my actor (musical artisit lily) would wear for the photo shoot. I wanted her to look natural and relaxed becasue this is what I would expect her to wear if she were a real musical artisit. I decided on jeans and a black t-shirt.

Next I needed to organise the props that I wanted to be in my photo shoot. First I found an old acustic guitar in my room then I asked my friend if I could borrow his electric guitar. I wanted to have a picture of her looking relaxed, to do this is would have a photo of her with an acustic gutiar. I also wanted a my cuting edge/ eye catching and interesting photo, in this photo I decided that it would be the opposite to the first calm photo. I this photo she would be standing and have an electric gutiar. Then I found a stool that she could sit on to give a difference in the hight and look of the photos.

So when I decide on the day that I was going to do my photo shoot, I gave a possible day to my gran and lily and they both aggreed to the day so I got all the props ready and we did the photo shoot on the 17th of December.

In the two images above, I have used the two different guitars to show the two very different sides of lily. The calm singer and the edgy rocker.

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Planning: Layouts of Front cover, Double page and Contents

After I decided on my title and the colour of it, I moved on to deciding on a possible layout for my magazine.  First of all I wanted to create some possible ideas for my front cover.

This is the first possible front cover for my magazine. Just like the kerrang magazine that I deconstructed I wanted to have the title as a banner across the top of the front cover. I think having a banner across the top lets the reader know immediately what the magazine is called. If I was to have the title across the top like this then the red of my title will stand out really nicely, attracting the reader to my magazine. I think only having one main picture on the magazine front cover really draws the reader in. Like the Q magazine the front cover only has one picture on the front cover with sub headings around the picture.  This is really effective and I may use it on my magazine front cover. Having the sub titles around the picture and on the picture in some cases is a way of attracting the reader to the magazine. Also because there are a lot of sub titles on the front cover this means to the reader that there may be that the magazine has a lot tot offer and a lot in the magazine.

My second choice for a magazine front cover layout is to have the title in the top left hand corner like the Q magazine. I think that having the title in the top corner is really good as it is the first thing the reader will look at. The main picture will run from the top page to about ¾ down the page. This is really good as this is a big space for the picture to sit in giving me a lot of choice with what type of shot I want the picture to be. I will also have another picture on the front cover this will draw the reader in as there is more on the front cover which will give the reader the idea that the magazine has a lot of information in. The sub headings around the two pictures will also give the reader the idea that there is a lot going on in the magazine.

I have decided to go with my first choice for the front cover lay out. The title is one of the main aspects of the front cover that draws the reader in, and that is why I think it should be the main thing on the front cover. The picture occupies a large space and this will give me a large choice when I am deciding what shot I am going to use for the main picture.

After I decided on the layout for the front cover I thought of possible ideas for the layout of my magazines double page spread. The first layout that I looked at was this one. I like this one as it has a lot going on, on the page and I think that my target audience will like it and have the idea what there is a lot going on. The main picture will take up a lot of the room as I think a lot of people will see the picture and be attracted to the pages. Having the pictures down the left hand side will make the page more attractive and more fun. I really like this as there is a lot going on and the page and I think that it is different from what you normally find on a double page spread which gives the magazine a uniqueness. 

The second option of double page spread is this one. I like this one as it is very interesting and I think this one will attract the reader’s attention. The way that the story is all one side I think is really appealing because it is so attention-grabbing and the way that pictures are set upon pictures is different that it is interesting. I do think this double page spread option but I like the other option more as I think that it will be easier to design and I think that it is also more affective.

After the double page spread I started to think about the design options for my contents page. The first one is this option; I think that this is a possible option as the contents page as this is a nice plain layout that I think will suit the style of my magazine. The contents page will have a picture of the front cover on. This will help the reader to remind them of important features in this magazine issue from looking at the sub headings of the front cover. The contents page will have the same colour scheme as the front cover and the rest of the magazine. This will help to like the magazine together as a whole.

This is the second option of possible contents pages, This contents page will have a the page numbers and information about the page down the left and right side. The pictures will be down the middle attracting the reader’s attention to the page. Having the picture of the front cover on the contents page option two I think is a really good idea as well as it reminds the reader what was on the front cover. I really like this design of contents page, and I am going to use it for my final magazine contents page layout. I really like it because of the way in which the contents page is a bit different and has a interesting way of displaying the information the contents page.

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Planning: The Timeline

This image is a scaned copy of my paper timeline, I made this to help me to complete my tasks to the deadlines. I kept the timeline with my so that I knew when everything had to be in. The timeline has really helped me becasue I have not been rushing to complete my tasks and as a result they have all been compted to a high standard.  

Monday, 29 November 2010

Planning: Name and Title colour

From the information that my research gave I have decided that my music magazine will be a magazine with many genres of music in, like the Q magazine that I deconstructed. As I think if I have many genres in the magazine then the magazine will then appeal to more people.
The name of my magazine needs to be relatively short name. This is so the name will be easy to remember. The name will also be in bold and bright font across the front cover. This will help to make the name stand out on the cover. The name of my magazine will be cover a little bit as this is a norm for magazine front covers. The title of the magazine is very important as it along with the rest of the front cover attracts the reader to the magazine. The title of the magazine is the first thing to set the theme for the magazine. The first thing that I did in my planning stage was to start thinking of possible names of my magazine.

XYZ- This name is short. This name could have the connotations such as that these letters are at the end of the alphabet meaning the end is better or that good things come to those who wait. So this is signifying that the magazine my be really good and interesting. The letters I think are quite catchy and may draw the reader in. I think this could be a good suggestion as it is basic and catchy just like the magazine called Q.

The Beat-This is a little bit longer that the first option is. The beat could have the connotations that the magazine has something to do with music because of the connection of music and beat. I think that this name is very memorable and catches the reader's attention. The Beat sounds quite calm and not too busy this could connote that this magazine is easy to reader and not too confusing.

Bish Bosh- This title I think is the most unique and most memorable. This title is a lot longer that the other possible titles yet I think that it will attract people and they will remember this title. Bish Bosh could connate that the magazine could be quite aggressive. As Bish Bosh could connote to sound like a punch in a fight.  It may also connate that the title is what someone may say after finishing work. So the magazine would connate that it would be a magazine you read in your break and relax while reading it.

Back to basic – This name could mean that the magazine is all the need to know information with none of the unwanted information in the magazine and that the reader will get the most out of the magazine.  This title could connate that the magazine is easy to reader and that the magazine is not too complicated to read or understand.
I then finally made a decision that I would chose that I wanted to use The Beat as my magazine name. I think that this name is good as it gives the reader a idea about what the magazine. The title is also different and will attract people to read the magazine and the name is different and has many connotations like the magazine name is The Beat and the The suggests that only the important information is in the magazine.

I then finally made a decision that I would chose that I wanted to use The Beat as my magazine name. I think that this name is good as it gives the reader a idea about what the magazine. The title is also different and will attract people to read the magazine and the name is different and has many connotations like the magazine name is The Beat and the The suggests that only the important information is in the magazine. All of the magazines that I have deconstructed the name of the magazine was in bold font with the colour of the title fitting in with the colour scheme of the magazine.  

The first possible font of the title is this one. I think that this font works well as the magzines target audience will be teenagers and I think that they will like this font as it is different and quite interesting to look at. I think that this title font will give the magzine a relaxed feel to the magzine. Althought the title does not have all capital in the title like the magazines that I deconstructed. Yet I think that not having the title all in capitals gives a more realxed feel to the magazine.
This is a second possible idea for the font of my title. The letters in this title are all in capitals as this will attract the attention of the reader and the capitals also add a sense of egression and my target audience may like this in a magazine name. I could use the black outer outline to make the letters stand out. This effect will attract attention from the reader to the magazine.
This is my third and final idea for a title of my magazines font. The letters in the title are all in different capitals or not capitals; this may attract more attention because the title is unique and different. It also gives the feeling that the magazine is relaxed and easy going. The letters are written on bits of paper this gives the effect that the magazine is mysterious and the information in magazine will be different every week.

Then I decided on the font that I wanted to use. I am going to use the first font option. I think that it is really good as the font will suit the target audience of the magazine.  The font is also different and interesting. 

After this I decided to look at the colour scheme of a magazine. I think that the colour scheme is one of the most important features of the magazine and that it is one of the main aspects that makes the reader pick up the magazine and want to read it. All of the magazines that I deconstructed had about 3 main colours in there colour scheme. I really think that having a colour scheme of about 3 colours is good as it links the whole magazine together. The other magazine that I looked at had random colours though out the whole magazine, I think that this worked well as you get something different every single page. This is why am going to have 3 main colours in my colour scheme, so that the magazine links together and flows as a whole.

The first thing that I did to help me chose my colour scheme was to create my title with different colours, to help me see what colours worked well and what possible colours I could use in my colour scheme.

The first colour that i tried was red. Like the Q sign I think that the red works really well as the red is very bright and stands out. This would be useful as this will help for the potential audience to notice the magazine and maybe buy it. The music magazines that I want to make will have around 2 or 3 colours on the front cover, this is why I have chosen red as the first possible choice of title colour. I have also chosen to use red as i think that this colour works well with many other colours.

My second potential colour for the title of my magazine will be blue. I like the blue as it is different the blue i think will contrast well with other colours that I will use on my front cover of my magazine. I want the title to stand out as it will be the first thing that the audience see when they see that magazine.

The last possible title colours is this multicoloured title, I like this option because it is totally different to the other titles that have seen. I think that the use of different colours on this title will make the front cover of the magazine stand out. Although I said that I wanted to use about 2-3 colours on my front cover i think that this title colour would be useful as it is so different from other magazines and therefore will attract more people.
I have decided that I am going to use my first choice of colour for my title. I have decided this because I think that the colour red works well with the title and the other possible colours that I am going to have on my title.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Research: Deconstruction Magazine1

For another part of my research task I looked at two music magazines and the deconstructed them, to give me ideas for making my music magazine.

The first magazine that I chose to deconstruct was Q magazine. Q is a very popular music magazine in Britain, the magazines title 'Q,' is in a very bold red this makes the letter/title stand out. The title is covered slightly by one of the ‘Take That’ band members, who are the main feature in this issue of Q. This could mean that the magazine is well enough known so the name does not have to be displayed in whole, for people to recognise the magazine. Or that the magazine designers displays them in front of the title as they are the major selling point for this issue. The band who feature on the front ‘Take That’ are displayed in a mid long shot, with them all dog piling on each other, this may have the effect on the audience that they think that the interview will be fun and relaxed.  The band members all have a happy expression on their face, this may also make the audience think the interview will be fun and relaxed. Most of the band members are looking straight ahead this will connect the band members will the reader and as they have happy expressions on their face the readers will not feel any threat from the band. The band is all dressed in black leather, the colour of their clothes contrast with the white back ground and the red and gold writing.  The words 'Take That' are in a big font so the writing will really stand out attracting the reader’s attention. This also implies that ‘Take That’ are the main band in this issue.  The magazine also has a gold circle with ‘Q AWARDS 2010’. This is telling the reader what the else they can expect in this issue of the magazine. On the left hand side of the cover ‘A YEAR INSIDE GREEN DAY’. This sub title is all in capitals, this grabs the reader’s attention and the title is in different sizes and colours of font. This further grabs the reader’s attention. The ‘GREEN DAY’ part of the title is in gold, this implies that they are important as gold is thought to be an important gold as it is the colour of money and wealth. At the bottom of the cover, there is information of live concerts from the bands/artist of ‘Arcade Fire/ Eminem & Jay-Z / Linkin Park/ Beach Huse and more’ These are artists and band from many different genres of music, this means that the magazine provides for a wide range of music genres, this is will mean that the magazine will attract a wide range and will attract a bigger audience. Also the list of names and the ‘more’ shows that the magazine has a lot to offer.

Then I deconstructed the contents page of Q magazine. The red banner across the top with the word contents are the same colours that were used on the front cover. The colour scheme helps to link the magazine together as a whole. The red also attracts the attention of the reader. The word ‘Contents’ is also in black so it stands out from the red box. In the top left hand the ‘Q’ is in white font the same as on the front cover giving the magazine some consistency. The main picture on the page is of Take That this is the same image as before yet the image has been taken from the side not straight on as the front cover image has been. Also the image is now in black and white and has no colour in it. This is so that the image stands out from the colour surrounding the image on the page.  Along the left hand side of the contents page is a ‘Q award’ this gives the reader an idea about what the magazine is going to be about. Below the image of the award is a banner with all of the features and their page number, this is on the left of the picture so that the picture is the focus of attention when the reader looks at the page. To make the banner of writing on the left look less detailed and more interesting there is a red line under each sub title. The line is red so the colour scheme of the magazine is continued though out the page and to draw the reader’s attention to the list. The line also breaks the list up to make it easy and clear for the reader to read.
The contents page of Q magazine is a double spread; the second page has a red banner across the top just like the first contents page and front cover. This gives the effect that the magazine flows as a whole and is consistent the whole way through. Like on the contents page the red banner has a title in it, ‘Issue 293’.  This is in white colour so that it stands out from the red banner and it also contrasts with the black from the contents page. On the second contents page there are various images from the magazine with the number of page that the image is associated with. This is to make the contents page interesting with picture and the reader will be able to flick right to the page with an image they want to see in close up. The other way in which the magazine displays what is on offer in this issue of the magazine is to list the pages and a little bit of information down the right hand page of the second page, just like on the left hand page on the first page. The red is used in the same way to underline important information, break up the pages and to draw attention from the reader. In the top right hand corner of the page there is a photo of the front cover for this issue of Q magazine. This is so the reader can see what has been advertised on the front then the reader can maybe look for it in the contents. The way in which the contents pages have been laid out it really good as everything is really clear and easy to see and read.

I also had to deconstruct a double page spread, as part of my brief is that I have to create a double page spread for my music magazine. This page also has the red and white ‘Q’ sign. Like the front cover and contents page , this helps to link the whole magazine together as all of the pages have some  aspects that are the same.  In the same box as the Q is ‘New to’ which suggests that the band on the page are new and up and coming. Also because it says ‘to Q’ it implies that the information is exclusive to Q and other magazines do not have this information. Underneath this they have ‘Introducing the month’s hottest talent…’ this will also imply that they are a new and upcoming band. The image really stands out because of all of the bright colours in the image; this will attract more readers to the page. The shot is a medium shot of ‘JENNY AND JONNY’ they are looking straight forward as though they are looking at the reader, they both have serious expressions on their faces this could imply that they want people to take them seriously as a musical act. The eye contact could also make the reader feel like they are connecting with ‘Jenny and Jonny’.  All the writing is at the side not covering the people in the picture, this  could be because they are new and not well known so they need to be clearly seen so people can recognise the. In the image they have ordered the same meal this could imply that they are the same type of person meaning that the band have really good chemistry. They are also at the level and both in the middle of the image, meaning that they are both as important to the band as each other (no lead singer).

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Research: Deconstruction Magazine 2

The second magazine that I chose to deconstruct was ‘Kerrang’. Kerrang is a hugely popular music magazine. This title is so well know that it has anchorage over the title and font, because the magazine title is so well the magazine designers can place images over the title like in this image. People will still be able to recognise that the magazine is Kerrang even with half of the tittle missing. The main band that is featured on the front cover is ‘Green Day’. The shot of Green Day is a close up as you can only really see their faces. One of the band members is in front of the title and the other two are behind the title, this may imply that the middle band member is more important because he is the lead singer so he should be at the front. Another reason is that the middle band member is the most recognisable band member of the band and so people instantly know who the band is he is in the middle and at the front in front of the title. The band members are looking straight forward right at the reader. This could make the reader feel like they are connecting and on the same level with Green Day. The facial expressions of Green Day are different and will attract the attention of the reader.  As they are all dressed alike each other this shows that the band is united as one.  The second main title on the front cover is ‘Green Day', this is written in a big green font this is so the title stands out grabbing the attention of the reader. The green colour could also imply that it is used to prompt the name of the band. Just below there is a quote, 'We've made the album of our lives', this quote will grab the attention of the reader as the white font  stands out from the black back ground and the readers will also want to know  why the album is so good. Another eye catching sub title is ‘5 FREE POSTERS’ this again will attract attention from the readers and may tempt people in to buying the magazine. At the bottom of the page of the cover there are names a list of bands that are featured in the magazine; this implies to the reader that the magazine has a lot to offer.  The main colours used are green, black, red and white, because there is a lot of colour that there is a lot happening in the magazine. The target audience may also be attracted to the magazine because of the way it is set out, the layout for this magazine is quite crazy and this may be attractive to many people.

Then I deconstructed the contents page for the Kerrang magazine. The contents page is set up so that the pictures are the main attraction on the page with the image and the page number it is associated with. Also with a little description of what the reader can find on the page. There is also a list of what is featured in the magazine on the right hand side of the cover. The yellow highlighted subtitles make the list more interesting and easier to read as the sub tittles break up the list. I think that having two different ways of displays what is in the issue is really good as it makes the page more interesting. In the top left hand corner of the contents there is a picture of the front cover this is a reminder for the reader to see what is advertised on the front cover and then they can find it on the contents page. With the picture of the front cover there is a letter from the editor. The magazine has included the letters so the reader can find out a bit more background information about what is in the magazine this issue. The colour yellow is used on the contents page but it was not used on the front cover this gives the magazine a bit of variation and looks brighter and more interesting. The biggest picture in the contents 'Save your breath', then on the picture the comment 'introducing rocks newest superheroes', I really like this as it shows the band dressed as super heroes, the reader may like this for the comedy factor or be interested in why they are dressed this way and want to find out why.

The last thing I did was to deconstruct a double page spread from the Kerrang magazine. The picture on this double page spread takes up nearly the whole page and is a picture of the band ‘Paramore’ the main colour used on the page is orange. This is again a different colour used from the yellow on the contents page and the front cover. This effect gives the magazine a huge variation. This is good as the reader cannot get bored of using the same colour again and again. The orange is a good choice of colour as it contrasts well with the women’s orange hair and the black background. The image on the page is the band in a recording studio. This could imply that the band is always working and the hard work that has been put in from the band. The way in which they are siting may imply that some of the band members are more important than others. The band members are looking at the reader this could mean the reader and band connect though the interview. The women’s facial expression is interesting and the reader may want to find out why she has that expression on so they nay read the article.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Research: Questionnaire

 This is my questionnaire; I asked 10 males and 10 females. I asked the range of questions to find out what they liked and do not like about magazines that they read. I will discuses below each question and the results that I received.


Question 1. I asked twenty people to answer my questionnaire. Out of the twenty people I asked ten were males and ten were females. I think that is good as I have asked the same amount of people from each gender to get important information from both genders.

Question 2.Out of the twenty people that I asked to answer my questionnaire, I varied the age of the people that I asked so that I could get a range of information from a number of differently aged people. I chose to ask a higher percentage of people aged 16-21 because they are my age group and I think that it will be easier to make a magazine for my age group as I think that I will know what they will like. I think to make the questionnaire better I should have asked an equal amount of people in each age category. This is because I have only asked one person from the age group 29-34 and that age group may have been able to give me very important information.

Question 3.In this question I asked how many magazines do you buy in a month, most people answered 1-2 magazines a month to this question. When I am designing my magazine I will bare this in mind, as I think I should make a monthly issue of my magazine as this will suit my target audience as they prefer to buy 1-2 magazines a month.

Question 4. For my question four I wanted to find out peoples favourite genre of magazines. In my results you can see that music magazines are the most popular genre thought out the magazine. This means that a lot of people like music magazines so my magazine should be my target audience’s favourite genre of magazine.

Question 5.Question five is about what people’s favourite thing about their favourite magazine is. This was an open question where people could write want they wanted down, instead of circling one of the possible answers. This saw the answer of clothing adverts get the most votes from all of the people who answered my questionnaire. With quizzes a couple of votes behind. I think that this is important as I will need to include adverts in my magazine and if clothing adverts are very popular then I should include these adverts to attract my target audiencs.

Question 6.In question six I wanted to find out what people liked to see in magazines. The results for this question saw quizzes and competiotion the most popular and editorials the least popular. I will use this information when I design my magazine so that I get the most out of the magazine. I will include the most popular thing so that my magazine is more popular for my target audience.

Question 7. For question seven I wanted to find out peoples favourite genre of music and indie was the most popular. Indie was one of the few that was popular with all age groups, I think that this is important as If I chose to create a magazine on the genre of indie music then It would be popular with many age groups.

Question 8. In this question I was trying to find out if people preferred a colour scheme to run though the whole magazine or just a couple of pages or no colour scheme at all though out the magazine. Most of the people that completed the questionnaire did not know what they preferred in the way of colour schemes, yet the second favourite choice was a colour scheme the whole way thought. I will bare this in mind when I am creating my magazine, as I do not want to make the magazine to repetitive and have the same colour on every page, but at the same time I do not want to have so many different colours that the magazine is too crazy.

Question 9.In this question I wanted to find out the percentage of pictures people would prefer of each page though out the magazine. Most people said they thought about 31-40% of a page should be pictures. I need to think about the ratio of pictures to writing when I am creating my magazine as I want the pages to be interesting and eye-catching but not to overloading.

Question 10.For question ten I wanted to know how much of the magazine should contain general news, the results for this were not surprising. This is because if you buy a music magazine you want to know about music not general news that’s why the results that I got where mainly no they did not want general news in the magazine. I will need to bare this in mind when I ma creating my magazine as if there is not enough interesting pages or too much information that is not important to people reading the magazine then the magazine will not be very popular.

Question 11. Question 11 was only answered buy people who answered yes to question 10. 85% of people who answered question 11 said that there should be 0-20% of general news in my magazine. I will use this information while making my magazine as this is information that will either attract or detract people from buying my magazine.

Question 12.In question 12 I wanted to find out the amount of genres of music that should be in my magazine. 65% of people that answered this question said they thought that only one or two genres should be in one magazine. I think this is right although this may limit the amount of people who will buy my magazine. If all of the genres were in one magazine then there would be too much to write about and this will make the magazine increase the price and some people are not willing to pay too much money for a magazine.

Question 13.Question 13 was only answered by people who answered question 12 with a no. The question was just to find out why people said that not all genres of music should be together. The results that I got were that not all people like certain genres of music and therefor do not what to read about it. Also there would be a lot of writing and this will make the magazine very expensive and some people are not willing to pay too much money for a magazine.

Question 14.This question was to find out why people buy magazines, these results will help me to include and exclude thing to interest people and make them buy my magazine. The most popular result was quizzes I will use this and think about including quizzes or completions in my magazine.

Question 15.The question was used to find out how much money people would be willing to pay to buy a magazine. The most popular answer was £0.50-£2.00. This is key information as I now know how much information I should use and what the quality of the magazine should be.